So these are all the finds that she actually dug up herself? Mmm. Yes, she excavated these. Now, these are all teeth, I mean, what they are as a comparison here. Yeah, exactly, now because previously I showed you was the jaw, the tooth and jaw. Elephant's teeth are really weird, it's quite hearty head around them. Here is a lower teeth of that same species that I told you about earlier the strictus elephant. See how big is. That's massive. That's absolutely huge. Yep. This is lower adult molar. Right, and this one here. Now that is the same tooth in the elephant on Cyprus. That is unreal. Look at the difference in size. Oh, maybe you can see this, very very similar, just a lot smaller. So you'd looked at them, oh that's from a baby elephant. Yep, but we know it's an adult elephant, because we can tell elephants' teeth by the shape of them, and their very last tooth took a very distinctive shape. Right. Because of the acts, because that we know it's adult tooth, because of that we know that this was the tooth it was fully grown. It's quite incredible. That is. How big would that have been? I mean. Yeah, reconstructions for this is just like swans on Sicily. This elephant was probably about a metre tall as an adult. A metre tall? A metre tall. I mean it's unbelievable. Live in that house. So remember it was useful? It's like a new wedding. Apartment-size elephant, brilliant. Incredible, isn't it? Yeah. She got her name in the history books? Yeah, she did. She effectively when she found this she was absolutely vindicated. 全是她自己一个人挖出来的吗? 是她挖出来的。 这些都是牙齿,差别真大。 的确,刚才我给你看过牙齿和下颚,大象的牙齿很奇怪,一下子比较难解释清楚。这个下臼齿,是我先前提到那种象的,看这个多大。 非常大 这是成年象的下臼齿,然后,这边这个,这是塞浦路斯岛上的象,同位置的牙齿, 这不可能,大小相差太多。 难以置信,可以看出两者非常相似,只不过这个要小一点。我会想 "这是象宝宝的吧"。 是的,但我们明白这属于成年象,因为我们可以通过形貌区分象牙,他们的长牙已经形成了极有特征的形貌。正因如此,我们知道这是成年象的象牙,正因如此,我们知道,该牙齿属于成年象, 太难以置信了,这象有多大呢? 就像复原西西里岛天鹅那样,这象成年时差不多一米高,才一米高,可以养在屋子里,还记得我之前告诉你的吗?你能想象吗? 可以家养的象,真特别。 难以置信啊,她有名垂青史吗? 是的,她做到了。她发现这化石后,她就得到了正名。