In 2006 I was part of a team that attempted a polar expedition using only the clothing and equipment that would have been available to the Edwardian explorers. I just feel everything falling to pieces, really. I've now got blisters all over my feet which are painful aside from the frost nip, which I'm just being a baby about because it's not serious and it's not like they need to be amputated, they just, they just hurt a lot. I discovered how unbelievably hard it is to survive at the poles, yet while my expedition took place in the summer, Cherry-Garrard, Wilson and Bowers were determined to return with the eggs of the Emperor Penguins, which meant that they had to go out in the laying season - the middle of winter, a time when the Antarctic is in permanent darkness. 2006年我有幸随一支探险队启程南极,身着爱德华时代探险者的衣物,携带那个时代的设备。 我觉得简直要崩溃了,真的。我脚上都是水泡,一走就痛。除此之外还有冻疮,不过我只是抱怨一下,毕竟都不算严重,不需要割掉,它们只不过,只不过很痛。 我意识到,极地求生艰难得难以想象,况且我们是在夏天出行。而切利-加兰 威尔逊和鲍尔斯,旅程目的是得到帝企鹅的蛋,这意味着他们要在繁殖季赶到,那可是极地之冬,整个南极洲长夜无光。