Throughout the ages there's always been a demand for specimens that push forward our understanding of the world, and while the adventure to get them could be highly dangerous, there's been no shortage of people prepared to risk all for the right specimen. Almost 100 years ago, three men pushed the boundaries of human endurance in one of the harshest climates on earth. But what motivated them wasn't personal glory, fame or money, it was these. The eggs of the recently discovered Emperor Penguin colony. The world was desperate to discover the secrets of these intriguing creatures, and they believed the answers lay inside their eggs. So in 1911 three Brits - Edward Wilson, Apsley Cherry-Garrard and Henry Bowers, set out on a journey that later became known as "The Worst Journey in the World." 在历史的长河中,总是需要些标本加深我们对世界的认识。尽管征途漫漫,旅程艰险,却从不缺壮士,誓要劈风斩浪,拿到标本。大约在100年前,有这么三个人,克里斯·凡·特勒肯,突破了人类在恶劣气候下的生存能力。但他们如此冒险,并不是为了金钱,名声,个人荣誉,他们的目的是这个,才发现不久的帝企鹅蛋。全世界迫不及待地想要知道,这些有趣生物背后的秘密,他们相信答案就藏在蛋里。于是在1911年,三个英国人,爱德华·威尔逊,艾普斯利·切利-加兰和亨利·鲍尔斯,启程探险,这场旅程后被记录成书《历劫余生》。