I'm Dinarzarde Raheem. I'm from Sri Lanka and I'm a land snail researcher. I worked on a biodiversity survey in Sri Lanka and that's how I became interested in snails. One of the reasons that motivated me was there was lots of prospects for finding new species, rediscovering species which hadn't been seen for a long time. I really enjoy being outside in the field, scrounging about in the leaf litter. The terrain is often very difficult. The conditions are often foul. I'm not particularly sure-footed but that hasn't stopped me. If you're working in rainforest you've got to be prepared. It's gonna be raining most of the time and, actually, for snails, the best time to work is when it's wet. 我是丁诺莎德·拉希姆,我来自斯里兰卡,是陆生蜗牛研究员。我在斯里兰卡进行过物种多样性研究,并因此对蜗牛产生了兴趣。激发我兴趣的原因之一在于,我们很有希望发现新物种,或重新发现消失多时的物种。我很享受身处野外,在落叶中四处搜寻的感觉,路通常会很难走而环境总是臭气熏天。我身手不够矫健,却从未因此退缩过。在雨林中工作需要做好充分准备,大多时候都会下雨。实际上,研究蜗牛,下雨时是最佳工作时间