Self-image is the picture you have of yourself, the sort of person you believe you are. Included in your self-image are the categories in which you place yourself, the roles you play and other similar descriptors you use to identify yourself. If you tell an acquaintance you are a grandfather who recently lost his wife and who does volunteer work on weekends, several elements of your self-image are brought to light — the roles of grandparent, widower and conscientious citizen. But self-image is more than how you picture yourself; it also involves how others see you. Three types of feedback from others are indicative of how they see us: conformation, rejection, and disconfirmation. Conformation occurs when others treat you in a manner consistent with who you believe you are.You believe you have leadership abilities and your boss put you in charge of a new work team. On the other hand, rejection occurs when others treat you in a manner that is inconsistent with yourself definition. Pierre Salinger was appointed senator from California, but subsequently lost his first election. He thought he was a good public official, but the voters obviously thought otherwise — Their vote was inconsistent with his self-concept. The third type of feedback is disconfirmation, which occurs when others fail to respond to your notion of self by responding neutrally. A student writes what he thinks is an excellent composition, but the teacher writes no encouraging remarks. Rather than relying on how others classify you, consider how you identify yourself. The way in which you identify yourself is the best reflection of your self-image. 自我形象是你自己的印象,你觉得你是什么样的人。包括在 你的自我形象中你将自己归到什么类别。你过去常常将你所 扮演的角色和其他类似的描述来定义你自己。如果你告诉一 个熟人你最近失去了妻子且在周末做义工的祖父,你的自我 形象中的每个元素会点亮它----祖父母的角色鳏夫和认真负 责的市民。 但是自我形象不仅仅是你对自己的想象,也包含了别人是如 何看待你的。这里有三种类型的来自他人的反馈,这些反馈 是陈述性的,别人如何看待我们的:一致、拒绝、不确定。 一致出现在其他人用一致的方式对待你认为自己是那种类型 的的人。你认为你有领导能力,你的老板让你去管理你一个 新的工作团队。另一方面,拒绝出现在当其他人接受了你自 己的定义却采用不一致的方式对待你。Pierre Salinger是从 加利福尼亚来的参议员,但是却输了他的第一次选举却输了 。他认为他是一个优秀的政府工作人员,但是投票者显然不 这么认为----他们的投票与他的自我定义不同。第三种反馈 类型是不确定,出现在当其他人没有成功地回应你的自我观 点并保持中立。一个学生写了他认为很优秀的作文,但是老 师没有写下任何鼓励的评价。而不是取决于其他人如何将你 分类,考虑你是如何定义你自己的。你定义你自己的方法是 对自我形象的最好反映。(写的不是很好···)