S01E04 -- Berta's leaving

Song S01E04 -- Berta's leaving
Artist 英语听力
Album 搞笑美剧好汉两个半


But who's gonna take care of me? Who's gonna do the laundry and the shopping and the cleaning and all the other stuff? Ask the scrubbing-bubble there. Uncle Charlie, why is Berta leaving? Why? It doesn't matter Jake. What matters is she's gone. And we're all gonna die.
但是谁来照顾我呢 谁来洗衣购物打扫房间和做其他的? 让那个嘴角冒泡的来不是正好? Charlie叔叔为什么她走了? 为神马? 这已经不重要了。。重要的是 我们会死掉啊!!


But who' s gonna take care of me? Who' s gonna do the laundry and the shopping and the cleaning and all the other stuff? Ask the scrubbingbubble there. Uncle Charlie, why is Berta leaving? Why? It doesn' t matter Jake. What matters is she' s gone. And we' re all gonna die.
dàn shì shuí lái zhào gù wǒ ne shuí lái xǐ yī gòu wù dǎ sǎo fáng jiān hé zuò qí tā de? ràng nà gè zuǐ jiǎo mào pào de lái bú shì zhèng hǎo? Charlie shū shū wèi shí me tā zǒu le? wèi shén mǎ? zhè yǐ jīng bù zhòng yào le.. zhòng yào de shì wǒ men huì sǐ diào a!!