Hey, it's the new coach. I should, uh, go say hello, right? Oh, no, no, no. Honey, honey, this is our together time. I know, but it's good to get in his radar. Do you know how much a staff football doctor makes? Coach Raymood. Hey, I'm a huge fan. Really? The way in which you turned around that program down there at Louisiana, coach. Nothing short of brilliant. I don't think Bear Brian could have done better. Flattery will get you a beer. What did you say your name? Derrick. Derrick Altman, sports doctor here at Lancer. Derrick. I'm actually working with the Hellcats right now while I finish up my fellowship. A friend of the Hellcats is a friend of mine. Let me buy you a cold one, doc. Hi, I'm Vanessa Lodge. My girlfriend. Nice to meet you. Yeah, I'm hellcats head coach So I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Pleased to meet you, too.