[00:00.17]Maybe we should call him, Cap. [00:02.61]I'm over here, dude. [00:08.99]Maybe we should turn up the toll. [00:11.42]No, you can't give up. [00:13.06]Isn't this game bigger than both of us? Isn't this about kicking her ass? Isn't this about good VS. Evan? [00:23.75]He's right. [00:27.12]You may not be feeling well. [00:29.49]Some of you are even still drunk. [00:31.80]But I see before me a team of Kappa Taus, playing in defiance of tyranny. [00:37.41]You've come to fight as free men, and free man you are. [00:40.92]Will you fight? [00:42.72]Aye, fight and you may die, run and you may live. At least a while. [00:47.77]It hurts real bad, Cap.