Fengzheng is a kind of folk toy as well as a handicraft. It is made from slender slips of bamboo as the frame with thin paper plastered and a long thread to fly with. It flies into the sky with wind. However, fengzheng in its earliest stage did not look like what we see today, and it was not invented for amusement. It is said that Lu Ban was the inventor, who lived in the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 BC). Enlightened from the sparrow hawk spiraling in the sky, Lu Ban made one with bamboo and called it bamboo sparrow, which was said to have remained flying in the air for three days. This was actually the earliest fengzheng. 筝既是民间玩具又是手工艺品。它由薄竹片做骨架和薄纸糊成,需要用长线随风放飞。 C.). 早期的风筝与我们今天看到的有很大不同,也不是用来娱乐的。相传,生活在春秋战国时期(公元前770-474年)的鲁班是风筝的发明者。 鲁班以鸟为形,削竹为料,制成了叫做“木鸢”的风筝雏形,上天三日不下。这就是最早的风筝。