"Everybody knows me throughout the world for my ascents climbing free solo without using safety devices, just with my bare hands, but this time the game was a bit different," Robert said. He said the management had requested he wear the ropes and safety equipment, which had also become necessary due to rain making the windows and frames very slippery. Robert said he was hopeful of returning to attempt the climb without any ropes. The $1.7 billion Taipei 101 last year surpassed the twin Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, which Robert has also scaled, as the world's tallest building. The shopping mall at the base of Taipei 101 has already opened for business, but the building will be officially opened on New Year's eve. “世界上人人都知道我的大名,因为我攀爬时是不靠安全设备的,而且是独自一人徒手攀爬,但是这次有点不一样。”罗伯特说。 他说,大楼的物业管理之前要求他带上绳索和安全装备,这些东西也确实派上了用场,因为一场雨使大楼的窗玻璃和窗框都变得特别滑。 罗伯特表示,希望以后有机会尝试不用任何绳索重新爬上这座高楼。 造价17亿美元的台北101大楼去年刚刚落成,它超过了吉隆坡的双子塔,成为世界第一高楼。罗伯特曾攀上过双子塔。 台北101大楼底层的购物中心已经开业了,但是整座大楼要到新年前夕才正式开业。