Science Proves That Love Is Blind Scientists have shown that there is a degree of truth in the old adage that love is blind. 科学家证明爱是盲目的 科学家已经证明,古老的谚语所说的,爱情是盲目的这一真理在一定程度上是正确的。 They have found that feelings of love lead to a suppression of activity in the areas of the brain controlling critical thought. 他们发现,爱情的感觉会抑制大脑控制批判性思维的区域的活跃性。 It seems that once we get close to a person, the brain decides the need to assess their character and personality is reduced. 看上去,我们一旦接近了一个人,大脑对于对方的性格和品质的要求就会降低。 The study, by University College London, is published in NeuroImage. The researchers found that both romantic love and maternal love produce the same effect on the brain. 英国伦敦大学学院对此的研究报告在《神经成像》杂志上发表。 研究人员发现,无论是浪漫的爱情,还是母爱对大脑产生的影响是相同的。 They suppress neural activity associated with critical social assessment of other people and negative emotions. 爱能够抑制那些会对他人进行批判性社会评价和消极情绪的神经活动。 The UCL team scanned the brains of 20 young mothers while they viewed pictures of their own children, children they were acquainted with, and adult friends. 爱能够抑制那些会对他人进行批判性社会评价和消极情绪的神经活动。 伦敦大学的研究团队对20位年轻母亲在看自己孩子照片时的大脑进行扫描,还扫描了她们看其他熟人的孩子,以及成年的朋友时的大脑。