Find a great tailor. For pieces that don't quite fit right, a tailor is an asset. He can alter them to fit you perfectly. Great-fitting clothes always look better than ill-fitting ones, regardless of how much they cost. 8. Look for store labels. Many department stores, such as Saks Fifth Avenue, have a house clothing brand. They offer up-to-the-minute styles, but are much cheaper than big-name brands. 9. Get a great haircut. When your hair looks fabulous, you look more stylish and fashion-forward than when your cut is shaggy or growing out. 10. Stay away from outfits. They look too contrived, and buying separates is much more affordable. 找一个好的裁缝。 他能把衣服改得非常适合你。 不管花多少钱,穿上非常合身的衣服看上去总是比不合身要好看的多。 8. 挑选合适的商店。 许多像SaksFifth Avenue这样的服装店,都有很好的家用服装品牌。 他们有最新的款式,但是价格比一些名牌便宜很多。 9. 理个漂亮的发型。 如果发型做的漂亮,整个人看上去要比,比头发杂乱或参差不齐时更时尚和前卫。 10. 不买套装。 因为套装看上去太做作,分开买更实惠些。