Invest in wear with anything pieces. A great-fitting pair of black trousers and a knee-length skirt go the distance, since you can wear them several times a week, paired with different tops. 4. Check out discount stores for basics. Discount department stores may not be the place to buy an elegant evening dress, but they're perfect for snapping up T-shirts, basic stretch pants, and cotton undergarments. 5. Bump up your accessories. Spend your money on beautiful shoes and a great bag. Rich-looking extras make even the simplest outfit look polished. 6. Take inventory before you shop. Impulse buys can be a waste of money, especially if you splurge on a pair of black pants, only to see your ten other pairs when you get home. Assess your needs before you hit the stores so you won't buy pieces similar to those you already have. 购买易搭配的衣服。 很合身的黑色裤子和齐膝的短裙始终不会过时,因为你一周可以穿好几次,与不同的上衣搭配。 4. 光顾打折商店购买必需品。 在打折商店也许买不到端庄的晚礼服,但它确实抢购T恤衫,弹力裤和棉质内衣的极佳地方。 5. 多买一些装饰品。 买一些漂亮的鞋和手提包。 漂亮的饰品甚至会使最简单的装扮看上去熠熠生辉。 6. 购物前拉个清单。 即兴购物往往会浪费很多钱。特别是当你花大价钱买了一条黑色裤子时,结果回家发现自己已经有十条了。 在去商店买衣服之前,考虑一下你是否真的需要,这样你就不会买到重样的衣服。