Smiles That Destroy the Myth of Female Intuition The popular assumption that women's powers of intuition exceed those of men has been overturned by a new study. Psychologists who tested the abilities of more than 15,000 people to identify the sincerity or otherwise of different smiles have concluded that female intuition is a myth. Shown a series of pairs of images of individuals displaying real and fake smiles, men marginally outperformed women. When it came to judging genuine and false expressions of happiness in the opposite sex, male participants did significantly better than females. 男性的直觉能力高于女性 传统的观点认为女性的直觉能力比男性强, 但英国最新的一项研究结果却否认了这一观点。 为了保证研究结果更具信服力,心理学家对15000人的不同的笑进行研究。研究结果表明女性的直觉是个迷。 研究对象看完一系列不同人的真实和虚假微笑的对比照片,男性对真假的识别略胜过女性。当开始判断异性真实和虚假的幸福表情时,男性参与者表现明显好于女性。