Australia's current population is estimated to be 20,168,900. In the 12 months to September 2004, the population grew 1.2 percent, about half the increase due to immigration. While Britain remains the greatest source of overseas-born residents, between 1998 and 2003 the countries with the largest increase in migration to Australia were South Africa (up 7.9 percent) and India (up 5.8 percent). 目前澳大利亚的人口估计有20,168,900。2004年九月之前的一年,人口增长了1.2%,大约一半的增加是由于移民。 尽管英国仍是土生土长的当地居民的主要来源,但是从1998年到2003年间,涨幅最大的澳洲移民来自南非(大于7.9%)和印度(大于5.8%)。