Do French Women Make the Best Mothers and Lovers French women lead Europe as mothers, workers and in health and sex appeal, say some of the country's leading sociologists. Academic research has lent a little support to President Jacques Chirac's Bastille Day insistence that France should not envy Britain, despite recent jolts to national pride, desperately high unemployment, plummeting spending power and London's victory over Paris to hold the 2012 Olympics. Ahead of a seminar on European population trends in Tours this week, sociologists and statisticians have come up with a series of figures that prompted the daily paper Libération to headline a report yesterday, "The French woman, at work, seductive and fertile." 法国女人是欧洲最优质的女人吗 欧洲资深社会学家日前指出,法国女人不仅能成为好母亲、好职员,并且身体健康、性感迷人,她们是欧洲最优质的女人。 以上学术研究给予总统雅克·希拉克在法国国庆日上坚持的“法国无须羡慕英国”这个说法一些支持,尽管当时法国的民族自豪感正受到威胁:极其高的失业率,骤然下降的消费率以及伦敦战胜巴黎成为2012奥运会的主办城市。 本周在图尔市召开了有关欧洲人口趋势的研讨会,在此之前,社会学家和统计学家总结出了一系列的数据,促使解放日报昨天将一份题为《法国女人:干练、性感、生育能力强》的研究报告设为头条。