The Los Angeles Times won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service on Monday for a series of articles exposing deadly medical problems and racial injustice at a major public hospital. The Southern California newspaper also won a Pulitzer, US journalism's top award, in international reporting for reporter Kim Murphy's coverage of Russia's struggles with terrorism, its economy and its political system. It shared the international reporting prize with Long Island, New York based Newsday, whose reporter Dele Olojede was honored for his coverage of Rwanda a decade after its genocidal slaughter. The annual Pulitzer Prize winners in Journalism and Letters, Drama and Music were announced at New York's Columbia University. The awards come as newsrooms are trying to rebuild public faith after a series of scandals at such top media outlets as The New York Times and CBS. "At a time when the news media are often criticized, the newspaper winners and the finalists are heartening examples of high quality journalism in all parts of the United States," said Pulitzer Prize administrator Sig Gissler. 本周一(4月4日),在2005年普利策新闻奖的评选中,《洛杉矶时报》凭借揭露一所大型公立医院存在的致命医疗问题和种族歧视的系列报道而获得分量很重的“公共服务奖”。 这份南加州出版的报纸(《洛杉矶时报》)还获得了普利策新闻奖中的“国际新闻报道奖”,普利策新闻奖是美国新闻界的最高奖项。《洛杉矶时报》记者金姆·墨菲凭借有关俄罗斯在反恐和经济政治体制改革方面的报道获得了该奖项。 该报与总部位于纽约长岛的《新闻日报》分享了“国际报道奖”,《新闻日报》记者德勒·欧洛杰迪由于报道了卢旺达种族大屠杀十年后的情况而获奖。 每年的普利策奖新闻奖和文学艺术奖都在纽约哥伦比亚大学颁发。 今年,纽约时报和哥伦比亚广播公司等顶级新闻传媒相继传出丑闻,此次普利策奖的颁发时值各大新闻媒体试图重建公众的信任。 普利策奖评奖委员会负责人希格·吉斯勒说:“在新闻媒体广受批评和指责时,这些获奖和参加终评的报纸都是美国高质量新闻报道鼓舞人心的例子。”