We've developed a simple microwave method of cooking tomatoes down for sauce. We cut out the stem ends and blanch the whole tomatoes in boiling water until the skins begin to split (about a minute), then plunge them into cold water so they're easy to handle. Then we slip off the skin and squeeze out the seeds. We put the tomatoes in an uncovered bowl and microwave until bubbling, eight to 12 minutes. Then we pour the tomatoes into a colander and let them sit to drain. We repeat this process in the microwave until the sauce reaches the thickness we're looking for. If you leave the sauce in the refrigerator overnight, even more liquid will separate. It sure beats standing over a hot stove on a summer day, stirring tomato sauce. 我们找到了一种简单用微波炉制作番茄酱的方法。 先把番茄底部根茎切掉,然后把其放入滚水中过一下去皮(大概需要一分钟),这之后把它们放入冷水,这样更易收拾。 把处理过的番茄放入无盖碗中用微波炉加热8-12分钟。 之后加热好的番茄放入漏斗让其泄下。 继续重复微波炉加热环节直到酱汁达到我们要的粘稠效果。 如果把番茄酱放入冰箱隔一夜,会有更多的液体分离。 这种方法可以使你从夏季在火炉旁边煮边搅番茄酱的悲催状态中解脱出来。