Newlyweds Advised to Lower Hopes The secret of a long and happy marriage appears to be not to expect too much from it. US researchers say that, unless you have superior relationship skills, your hopes of cosy coupledom are likely to be dashed. Far better, they say, to aim low to ensure you are not disappointed. The key to keeping that newlywed glow appears to be forgiveness and communication. The study, by researchers from Ohio and Florida Universities looked at 82 couples. They quizzed all the spouses independently over four years. Their study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, found those who believed their partner would be unfailingly kind, loving and agree with their every word, could retain their positive outlook by being forgiving, and having charitable explanations for their partner's negative behaviour. However, those with high expectations but without those relationship skills are likely to be brought down to earth fairly quickly as their Prince or Princess' Charming falls off their pedestal. 建议新婚夫妇降低婚姻期望值 长久美满婚姻的秘密是降低对婚姻的期望值。美国的研究人员说,除非你具备处理婚姻关系的高超技巧,否则你对美满婚姻的憧憬很可能会破灭。 他们还说,最好降低对婚姻的期望,这样可以保证你不失望。 宽恕和交流是保持新婚激情的关键。 来自美国俄亥俄州和佛罗里达州各大学的研究人员对82对夫妻进行了研究。 研究人员在4年多的时间里对所有的配偶单独进行研究。 他们的研究成果发表在《人格和社会心理学》杂志上。他们发现那些相信自己的伴侣会永远对自己好,永远爱着自己,同意自己每一句话的人会对婚姻的前景保持积极乐观的态度,因为他们能够宽恕并仁慈的解释伴侣的消极行为。 然而,那些对婚姻期望太高却又不具备处理婚姻关系技巧的人,一旦他们心中的白马王子或白雪公主从神圣的光环中跌落,他们可能很快就被迫回到现实中。