In the first case of its kind in Britain, the police and prosecutors decision on whether to take action hinged on Mr Lawson's failure to dial 911 as his sister took her life at her home in Kent. Ken Macdonald, the Director of Public Prosecutions, eventually told Mr Lawson's solicitors in April last year, five months after the suicide, that no action would be taken. Yesterday, Mr Lawson decided to disclose his case after it emerged last week that another man, Brian Blackburn, escaped a prison sentence for helping his cancer-stricken wife commit suicide in a final act of love. 作为英国首例此类案件,警方和检察院都在考虑是否应对劳森判处有罪,因为当姐姐在肯特的家自杀时,他未及时拨打999报警电话阻止姐姐自杀。 在去年4月,即案件发生的5个月后,负责劳森一案的检察官肯·麦克唐纳告诉劳森的律师,劳森将被判无罪。 上周另一名男子,布莱恩·布莱克本帮助自己受癌症折磨的妻子安乐死后,同样逃脱了牢狱之灾。昨天,劳森先生才打算公开他的经历。