A man who comforted his terminally ill sister while she attempted to commit suicide will not face charges. Graham Lawson faced the possibility of 14 years in jail because he watched his 48-year-old sister Sue, a former bank manager, die. She repeatedly tried to suffocate herself with a plastic bag, howling with despair as she reached the point of being unable to resist taking a breath, he said. She made seven unsuccessful attempts as Mr Lawson comforted her. She finally succeeded at the eight attempt. Within an hour, Mr Lawson, 35, an agricultural worker who lives in Kent, was arrested, stripped and locked in a police cell for 24 hours. 一位弟弟,在姐姐身患绝症,企图自杀的时候给予鼓励,他将不会面临指控。 格雷厄姆·劳森可能面临着14年的牢狱之灾,原因是他眼睁睁看着自己曾是银行经理的48岁姐姐苏死去而不施救。 他说,她反复地对着一个塑料袋呼吸,试图让自己窒息。当到达无法抗拒想要呼吸的那一刻,她绝望地嚎叫着。 在劳森先生的安排下,她做了七次不成功的尝试。最终在第八次的时候成功自杀了。 一个小时后,住在肯特郡的35岁从事农业生产的工人劳森被逮捕,并被脱去衣服,关押在警察拘留室24小时。