Women Drivers are Safer, except for When Parking Men commit nine times as many motoring offences as women. Home Office figures show that the vast majority dealt with by courts for every type of traffic offence are male. The disparity between the sexes is greatest for the most serious offences, with men guilty of 97 percent of dangerous driving offences and 94 percent for causing death or bodily harm. Women's speeding offences have risen by four percentage points in the past five years, yet still constitute only 17 percent of the total. Women are far less likely to have high-speed collisions resulting in death. 女性开车更安全,停车场是例外 男性违章驾驶是女性的九倍。 英国内政部的统计数字显示,绝大多数法院审理的每一类交通违章都是男性所为。 在最严重的交通违事故中,性别差异体现的最为明显。在危险驾驶违章中,男性占到了97%,94%导致死亡或者身体伤害。 在过去五年中,女性超速行驶的情况上升了4个百分点,但仍只占整个超速行驶违章的17%。 女性开车时因高速行驶发生撞车而造成人员死亡的可能性也远远低于男性。