An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale shook the Tokyo area before dawn, jolting many residents out of bed and causing minor injuries to at least 19 people. The quake registered at 4:46 am with the epicenter in Ibaraki prefecture about 130 kilometers northeast of Tokyo with a focus 40 kilometers underground, the meteorological agency said. Part of the Japan Railways Joban line to the northeast of Tokyo and a section of a highway in the Joban region were shut down as precautions as inspectors looked to see if they sustained damage. At least 19 people were lightly injured when they fell out of bed or were hit by falling objects such as a television and a stereo speaker, according to a roundup of local authorities by public broadcaster NHK. Police said they had not heard of any life threatening injuries. 一场里氏5.4级的地震在拂晓之前震动了东京地区,剧烈的晃动把许多居民从床上摔了下来,造成至少19人受轻伤。 日本气象厅表示,地震发生在(2月16日)清晨4时46分。震中位于东京东北方向约130公里处的茨城县,震源位于地下40公里处。 通往东京东北部的部分常磐铁路干线和常磐地区的一段高速公路被预先关闭了,因为道路巡视员担心它们无法承受此次破坏。 据当地权威的日本广播协会新闻简报称,至少有19人受了轻伤,他们或是从床上跌落时摔伤,或是被掉下的电视机、音箱等物体砸伤。 警方表示他们还没有听说危及生命的伤亡事故。