The battle over Social Security has been joined by an unusual lobbyist, a 9 year old boy from Texas (George Bush's hometown), who has agreed to travel around supporting President Bush's proposal. The boy,Noah McCullough,made a splash with his encyclopedic command of presidential history, earning five appearances on the "Tonight" show and some unusual experiences in the presidential campaign last year. He beat Howard Dean in a trivia contest at the Democratic National Convention and wrote for his local newspaper about his trip to see the inauguration. "He's very patriotic and very Republican," said to the media Noah's mother, Donna McCullough, “ a former teacher and self-described Democrat. "It's the way he was born." In a sign of how far groups go to carry their message on Social Security, Progress for America has signed up Noah, a fourth grader, as a volunteer spokesman. He starts on spring break from James Williams Elementary School in Katy, Tex. Progress for America, which spent almost $45 million backing Mr Bush last year, plans to lay out $20 million on Social Security this year. It has spent $1 million on television commercials and is working to send experts around the country.