But thanks to the sheer scale of this remote region, there are still many wild places that have so far remained largely intact. The least explored area of all is found in Tibet's far south east. Here the Yarlung River,Tibet's longest, has carved through the Himalayas, allowing monsoon clouds from India to pass through. This is Tibet's most secret corner. According to legend, he Yarlung gorge was rendered magically invisible in the eighth century and could only be seen by those who have attained sufficient spiritual knowledge and wisdom. At two days' walk from the nearest road, this hidden region wasn't explored by outsiders until the 1990s. Thanks to the annual monsoon, the whole landscape is covered in lush forest. The scale of the gorge is breathtaking. As the Yarlung River cuts through the mountains, it's created the world's deepest gorge, three times deeper than America's Grand Canyon. This vast and mysterious place provides a vital clue to Tibet's importance for the rest of the world. 但是正是由于这个地方的偏僻,这里才有许多荒原至今仍保留着未被人类开垦的自然状态。最少被探索的地域在西藏偏远的东南部,西藏最长的雅鲁藏布江。在喜马拉雅山脉中留下了深深的印迹,使得从印度来的雨季云可以从中穿过。这里是西藏最神秘的角落,根据传说雅鲁藏布江大峡谷,在十八世纪奇迹般地消失了。只有那些具有高尚品德和聪明才智的人才能看到,这个神秘的地方离最近的路有两天的路程,直到20世纪90年代才被世人发现。多亏了季风的帮助,才使这个地方苍翠繁茂。峡谷之大让人心惊胆战,雅鲁藏布江从山峦间穿过,形成了世界最深的峡谷,比美国大峡谷深三倍多。这个广袤神秘的地方为研究西藏,对其他地方的重要性提供了极其重要的线索。