The possibility of escaping the cycle of life and death and the promise of enlightenment encourages people to perform activities that benefit all beings. This belief assigns as much importance to the environment and its creatures as it does to humans, since every living creature is believed to have a soul. In the remote lands of Tibet, for over 1,000 years this concept has been translated into practical benefits for wildlife, and it starts literally on their doorstep. Buddhist monasteries have sacred sites, areas where taboos are placed on the hunting and killing of animals. Some creatures have become so tame that the nuns are able to hand-feed them, like these Tibetan-eared pheasants. Thanks to hand-outs from the nuns,these rare birds can survive the worst of the winter. In this extreme place, people with few resources are prepared to share them with their needy fellow-creatures. The Tibetan example is a model for conservation. 摆脱生死轮回追求教化的想法,驱使着人们一心向善。由于相信万物都有灵魂 所以他们认为环境生物和人类都是平等的。一千多年以来 在西藏这偏僻的地方,这个观念为野生动植物带来了实实在在的好处。僧庙的佛教徒有一些神圣的地方,在那里猎杀动物是犯忌讳的,一些动物已经被驯服 喇嘛们都可以用手喂它们。比如西藏野鸡。由于喇嘛伸出援手 那些稀有的鸟们可以活过最寒冷的冬天。在这个极度严寒的地方 资源匮乏的人们,随时准备同需要帮助的生灵分享食物。西藏就是一个自然资源保护很好的例子