Yartsa gunbu sells for big money in the top department stores of Lhasa, and there is a growing market outside of Tibet. Although Tibet is modernising fast, it retains a deeply spiritual culture. Even today,Tibetan valleys resound to distinctive and extraordinary calls to prayer. The Tibetan horn may be the world's most unwieldy instrument, but its sound is unique. Every morning,the nuns assemble for practice. The air is chilly, but they soon warm up. Monks and nuns comprise a substantial portion of society. Largely self-contained and isolated. Deep within the monastery is the spiritual engine that drives much of Tibetan culture. Buddhists believe in an endless cycle of rebirth in which the actions of this life will impact on the next. The goal of Buddhism is to escape from this earthly cycle of pain and suffering by achieving a state of freedom called enlightenment. The enlightened guides,or spiritual teachers,are called lamas. Yarsa gunbu 不仅在拉萨的百货公司里畅销,而且藏外的市场也在逐渐变大。尽管西藏日新月异地发展,它的精神文化依旧根深蒂固。即使在今天 神秘西藏大峡谷的回响仍然在呼唤着祈祷的人们。西藏的号角或许是世界上最笨重的乐器,但是它的音色独特。每天早晨 喇嘛们聚集在一起练习吹奏。开始空气很凉 但她们很快就暖和起来。喇嘛们是组成社会的一部分,他们自控也独立,修道院的深处是推动藏文化的精神动力。佛教徒相信生命轮回,他们相信人们今生的所作所为能影响来生。佛教的目标就是通过达到一种“悟”的自由的境界,来摆脱俗世的灾难和痛苦。这种教化的领路人或精神上的老师叫做喇嘛。