Chiru,or Tibetan antelope,have arrived for the winter rut. In the energy-sapping thin air,the males must try to control groups of females by constantly rounding them up and corralling them. But the chiru have an advantage. Their red blood cell count is twice as high as ours, sufficient to supply their muscles with oxygen even at this extreme altitude. Nevertheless,it's hard work keeping his harem in check, and the male's life is about to get even harder. Another male is gearing up to steal his females. With their rapier-like horns,the males won't risk fighting unless they really have to. But if neither backs down,conflict is inevitable. Some of these fights end in death. While the males fence, the females look on. Injured and weakened by the battle,the loser will be an easy target for the predators and scavengers that patrol the wilderness. Out here there's little room for mistakes. 长角羚或叫藏羚羊已经到了冬季的发情期。在这样耗能的稀薄空气当中,雄性还必须经常地围着成群的雌性跑,以使她们在自己的控制之下。但是藏羚羊也有优势,他们的红血球数量是我们的两倍,即使在如此高的纬度 也足以为他们的肌肉输送氧气。然而,想要控制住这么一大群家眷并不容易,甚至有时雄性的生活会更加艰难。 另一只雄性垂涎于它的家眷们,除非逼不得已雄性一般不会冒险用它们剑一样锋利的角搏斗。但如果双方都不退让 大战就不可避免。有时甚至不死不休。在雄性抵抗的时候,雌性就在一旁看着。虚弱受伤的失败者很容易成为在荒原上游弋的食肉动物和食腐动物的目标。在这里生存不容许有任何失误。