The Tibetans call Everest "Qomolangma", meaning "mother of the world". It's a mark of their affection for the mountain,however brutal it may appear. Venture further from the mountains and out onto the open plateau, and life doesn't appear to get any easier. High winds scour the landscape and temperatures can drop from baking to freezing in moments. This is the Chang Tang or Northern Grassland. It's so remote that it's been called the Third Pole. It's about 5,000 metres above sea level, way above the point at which altitude sickness starts to affect humans. At this height,most people are gasping for breath. But lack of oxygen hasn't cramped this creature's style. 藏民们把珠穆朗玛峰称为“Qomolangma(珠穆朗玛)”意为“大地之母”。这象征着他们对山的热爱 而不管山看起来多么的冷酷无情。从高山一直到广阔的平原都充满危险,在这里活下去并不容易。风在大地上急速穿过,气温也可以从酷热难当骤降到冰冷入骨。这里是羌塘或叫北部草原。它远离人烟 被称为“世界第三极”。这里海拔超过5000米,远远超出了人们会有高原反应的高度,在这个高度下,大部分人都要不停地喘气。但缺少氧气却对这种生物没多大影响。