This type of scenery continues on through Ohio and Indiana, but the road becomes congested and busier as the traveler passes by Chicago on northern Illinois. The truck traffic is especially heavy because Chicago is an important business center. On west of Chicago one again enjoys the scenery of the rich agricultural lands and then crosses the great Mississippi River into Iowa. Since Iowa is the number one corn producing state in the nation, one sees vast fields of corn during the growing season. This continues into Nebraska, but as one gets further west and the climate is drier, one sees cattle grazing on the grasslands there. As one leaves Nebraska and enters Wyoming, the beautiful Rocky Mountains appear. 这种类型的风景继续通过俄亥俄州和印第安娜,但道路变得拥挤和繁忙的旅行者路过芝加哥北伊利诺斯。卡车交通特别重,芝加哥是一个重要的商业中心。在芝加哥西部一次欣赏风景的丰富的农业土地,然后越过密西西比河进入爱荷华。由于爱荷华是一个玉米生产国家民族,看到一个广阔领域的玉米在生长季节。这一直持续到内布拉斯加州,但作为一个得到进一步西和气候干燥,人们看到放牧对草原有。当一个人离开了内布拉斯加州和进入怀俄明,美丽的落基山脉的出现。