Good morning, madam. What can I do for you? Good morning. I bought this pair of shoes at your shop. Do you suppose I can have a refund for them? It depends. What's the matter with them? They're the wrong size. Too large, to be exact. Didn't you try them on before you bought them? I didn't buy them for me. I bought them for my son. It's my own fault. That's all right, madam. But when did you buy them exactly? Actually I bought them last Wednesday. Last Wednesday? Then you have had them for 10 days. You know we can only give you a refund if you bring them back within 7 days. This is written on the back of the receipt you received. That means I cannot help you. 早上好,女士。我有什么可以帮您的吗? 早上好,我在你们店里买了这双鞋子。我可以退还它们吗? 要依情况而定。这双鞋子出了什么问题吗? 它们的尺寸错了,确切地说太大了。 在您买它们之前没有试穿过吗? 这双鞋子不是给我自己买的,我是买给我儿子的。这是我的错。 好吧,女士。你确切的是什么时候买它们的? 事实上我是上星期三买它们的。 上星期三?您拥有它们有十天了。你知道我们只能在7天之内给您退还。这一点写在您收到的发票后面。我的意思是我帮不了您。