For Mexicans, the day of October 31st marks the beginning of celebrations for Day of the Dead. It honors the memory of loved ones who have died while also celebrating the continuation of life. The ancient tradition started among the native cultures of Mexico. People celebrate Day of the Dead on November 1st and 2nd. Families visit the burial places of their loved ones and make their graves beautiful. They place flowers and lighted candles. They bring special food and drinks and spend the night celebrating and telling stories with other members of their community. Traditional food includes a sweetened bread formed in the shape of a person. Friends and family exchange presents such as sugar candies in the form of a skeleton head. Families have special places in their homes called altars. Here they place flowers, candles and photographs of the loved one being remembered. 亡灵节 对墨西哥人来说,每年的十月三十一号是亡灵节的开始。它被用来悼念逝去的亲人并庆祝自己的余生。这项传统(节日)来自于墨西哥的本土文化。人们从十一月一日到二号这两天庆祝亡灵节。家家户户都到亲人安眠的地方去看望他们,并修整他们的坟墓。他们会摆上鲜花,点上蜡烛。到了晚上,他们和社区里的其他人带上食物并且讲故事,以此来庆祝亡灵节。传统的食物包括一些人形的甜面包,朋友和家人之间会相互交换例如头骨状的糖果之类的礼物。每户人家都设有一个专门的灵位,他们会在这里放上鲜花,蜡烛还有逝去之人的照片,以此来缅怀他们。