College students spend their summers in many different ways. Many students work hard at summer jobs. They realize it can be difficult to balance college classes and a job during the school year. Summer is a good time to save up some money. Restaurants, swimming pools, stores and other businesses are always looking for hardworking students. Some students get jobs in the field they hope to enter after college. The experience gives students a taste of the world outside of college. Other college students choose to take summer classes. Students usually do not take a full set of classes. Instead, they take just one or two. The extra classes can help students to get ahead in their studies. However, summers are not all work. Students spend time with friends, go to a movie or take a trip. A relaxing day under the summer sun will help students forget all about tests and studying. 大学生过暑假的方式五花八门。许多学生选择打暑期工,因为他们觉得上学期间很难平衡工作和学习的关系。暑假是一个攒钱的好机会。餐馆,游泳池,商店和其他企业愿意招收能吃苦耐劳的学生。一些学生在自己希望就业的行业里找工作。暑期打工的经验让他们体验到学校以外的另一个世界。另外一些大学生选择去暑期学校。他们通常不会选择全套课程,只会选一两门,让自己在学习上有较大进步。然而,暑假并不只是用来学习和工作的。学生们也会与朋友一起玩,看电影或旅行。在夏日阳光下放松一天有助于他们忘掉所有的考试或学习。