The space race between the United States and the former Soviet Union began in October of 1957, when the Soviets launched the first man-made satellite into orbit around Earth. Weeks later the second satellite was launched. Their success added to the tensions of what was known as the Cold War, which many people worried could lead to nuclear war. And it pushed Americans to work harder to reach outer space. Three months later, the United States launched its own satellite. Then, in 1961, the Soviet Union sent the first person into space. An American astronaut followed less than a month later. The space race continued. The finish line was the moon. And it was reached when the crew of American spaceship landed in 1969. Today, there is cooperation between the Russian and American space programs. Astronauts share duties on the International Space Station. And other countries are expanding their space programs. 1957年10月,前苏联成功发射了第一颗绕地球飞行的人造卫星,正式拉开美国与前苏联太空竞赛的序幕。数周之后,第二颗人造卫星发射了。苏联的成功加剧了两国之前的冷战,引起了人们对核战争的恐慌,也推动了美国人加紧了对外太空的探索。三个月后,美国发射了它的第一颗人造卫星。紧接着,苏联在1961年将第一位宇航员送入太空。不出一个月,美国宇航员也成功进入太空。太空战争仍在继续,而终点线是在月球。1969年,美国宇航员到达了这条终点线。如今,美国和俄罗斯在太空领域相互协作,进一步探索太空奥秘。宇航员们在国际太空站各司其职。其他国家也开始开展太空计划。