An interesting shot, but not what the team were after So why were there no big waves? There's no land between here and Kamchatka, 3,000 miles away 3000 And it's funny that the waves that arrive here start off around Japan, around the east coast of Russia And when a storm hits these places it whips up the sea, generating swell It's rather like throwing a pebble into a pool The ripples radiate outwards which when they reach land, make waves So if the size of these waves was anything to go by Japan and Russia were having some unusually mild winter weather And that was more than you could say for Pohnpei And there were still no big waves The only good news was that the housing was still working and remained watertight despite being soundly tested both below and above the water And then, when the team thought things couldn't get any worse If conditions got any calmer here we'd probably have small boys out sailing their toy boats out on this millpond! I mean, we came for 12-foot barrelling waves and we've got what a sort of gentle riffle at the moment Time to check the swell charts There was better news on the Russian front - a big storm sending swell Pohnpei's way