[00:02.45]All South Pacific islanders must make the most of whatever resources they have [00:09.54]and the Anutans are no exception. [00:17.20]They harvest the wildlife that also depends on this little piece of land. [00:42.02]Each hunter uses his own preferred call. [00:48.84]The noise will lure their quarry closer to their nets. [01:13.27]Noddy terns. They've spent the day fishing out at sea, [01:17.09]so it's only when they return to roost at night they can be caught. [01:28.35]It would be easy for the Anutans to over-harvest the noddy terns [01:33.05]even exterminate the colony. [01:37.43]But that's not the Anutan way. [01:42.91]Their approach ensures a future for the next generation to enjoy.