Rich in proteins and fats, palolo worms are the caviar of the South Pacific. This may be a short-lived feast, but living in the South Pacific means making the most of anything going. Every year, in June, tiger sharks appear in the shallow waters around this scattering of tiny, sandy islands. They've travelled hundreds of miles in anticipation of an event that lasts less than two weeks. And their timing is impeccable. Albatross chicks are sitting ducks. The sharks may have lost the element of surprise, but their high visibility will make little difference to the albatross chicks' behaviour. Right now, the focus is on flying. 富含蛋白质和脂肪,矶沙蚕是南太平洋的鱼子酱。这是一场短暂的盛宴,但要在南太平洋生存,任何手段都是可行的。每年六月虎鲨出现在桑迪岛附近,围绕在这块小小的浅海周围。它们为了期盼的事情游行了数百英里,持续至少二个星期,它们的时机是无懈可击的。信天翁的幼雏是打击的目标。鲨鱼们也许会失去惊喜的成分,但它们优秀的视力能对信天翁幼雏的行为作出轻微的影响。目前注意力放在飞行上。