This female carries the answer - thousands of eggs which will soon be left to the mercy of the ocean currents. A few shakes of her tail are all that's needed to send them on their way. The eggs will hatch immediately. Then the larvae will have just 50 days to find a new home above the water. For animal castaways, finding new land in this vast ocean was a chance in a million. To beat the odds, luck was needed, and this sometimes came from an unlikely source - cyclones. Each year, these powerful tropical storms form over the huge ocean. The largest can span more than 600 miles. Cyclones are one of the most destructive forces in the South Pacific. Yet surprisingly, they have played a critical role in spreading life to the loneliest islands. 雌性带来了答案。有数千枚卵会从洋流中幸存下来,她摇动尾巴,把卵全部送上路。卵会立刻孵化,幼体会在50天内找到新家摆脱困境。对于漂流的动物来说,在广阔的海洋中找到新陆地的机会很小,更多的是运气而不是机会,有时候来自不太可能的原因——龙卷风。每年这些强大的热带风暴从广阔的海洋上空形成,最大的龙卷风横跨600哩,令人惊讶的是它们扮演着使生命蔓延到与世隔绝的岛屿的重要角色。