There are thousands of islands in the South Pacific. Many are unbelievably remote. Some are thousands of miles away from the nearest continent and hundreds of miles from their nearest neighbour. Imagine each island as a castle, and the ocean a giant moat stretching to the horizon in every direction, and you have captured the essence of their isolation. It's a wonder how any life reached these islands at all. But no matter how remote or small an island is, animals have somehow conquered the massive ocean barrier to reach these specks of land. For the lucky few that made it, South Pacific islands provided great opportunities. Once here, they had the freedom to be different. 南太平洋有数千座岛屿,许多岛屿极其偏远,有些离最近的大陆有数千哩远,与最近的邻居有数百哩。把个岛想像成一座城堡,海洋就是延伸到地平线每个方向的巨大护城河,你能领略到它们隔绝的实质。真惊讶有些生命如何到达这些岛屿的但不管岛如何的偏远和微小,动物们总有办法克服广阔海洋的障碍,来到这些尘埃般的陆地斑点上。对于少数到达的幸运儿,南太平洋群岛提供了很多的机会。一旦到这,它们就有了不同的自由