The idea is being promoted by Greenpeace. Greenpeace made their name campaigning to save the whales. They're now responding to concerns about the future of the Pacific's fish. The high seas pockets they're now patrolling were once a fishing free-for-all. Although now regulated by international treaty, they are rarely policed, so Greenpeace have assigned a monitoring role to themselves. This is the Esperanza - Greenpeace's largest vessel. The crew are searching for any sign of fishing activity but it's a huge area. After two weeks at sea, a blip on the radar indicates a fishing vessel is near. Greenpeace want to discover where the vessel is from and what it's been catching. They launch their inflatable boats. Although Greenpeace film their own activities, we put our cameraman on board to ensure an unbiased record of events. As these are international waters, any nation can fish here legally, and many do, including the US, the European Union, Japan and other East Asian countries. 这个想法由绿色和平组织提出来。绿色和平组织将自己命名如此是为了拯救鲸鱼。如今他们开始为太平洋里的鱼儿的未来命运担忧并有所作为。如今他们巡视的袋状公海曾经是开放捕渔区。尽管如今这里有国际公约管束,但是这里有警力分布稀稀拉拉,因此绿色和平组织便承担了监视任务。这是埃斯佩朗莎 ——绿色和平组织最大的船。全体船员的任务是搜寻海域中是否有人正在进行捕渔作业,奈何海域面积实在太大了。在海域巡查了两个星期之后,船上的雷达传来了清脆而短促的声音,这提示不远处有渔船正在作业。绿色和平组织想要知道这艘捕鱼船来自何方,捕捞哪些鱼类。他们驱船接近。尽管绿色和平组织录制他们自己的行动,我们派摄像师到甲板上录影以确保这间事件的录制不偏不倚。这里是公海,因此所有人可以在这里合法捕鱼。在这里捕鱼的国家不少:譬如说:美国、欧盟、日本以及东亚的其他国家。