Southeast of Hawaii, straddling the equator, lie the Galapagos Islands As on Hawaii, some of the volcanoes here are still very active The coastline of Isabela - the largest island - is covered in volcanic rock Here a very different kind of animal can be found in the rocky tubes The chicks of Galapagos penguins Without the lava tubes, they wouldn't survive Cool and sheltered, the tubes are the perfect nursery, protecting the chicks from the unforgiving temperatures outside Unforgiving if you're a penguin,that is Adult Galapagos penguins only cope by doing something the chicks can't yet do They take a dip The adults plunge into cool waters that have travelled all the way from the Antarctic Who says penguins can't fly? There's lots of food here, as schools of fish are drawn to the shelter of these rocky, volcanic shores But while the parents are out fishing, their chicks are home alone Back in the lava tube, there's something creeping around A Sally Lightfoot crab has penguin on its mind It's dark, so the crab can't be sure exactly what it's up against This time, it's taken on more than it can handle Had the encounter been just a few days earlier, the outcome might have been very different Crabs are major predators of baby penguins