Only a large crocodile would be capable of inflicting such a horrific injury The village chief confirmed that attacks on both the villagers and their livestock were on the increase With displaced crocodiles now encroaching on villages, there appeared to be a growing conflict To learn more about these problem crocodiles, the team headed to the Solomons' capital,Honiara- headquarters for the international peacekeeping force —— policing both the islanders and their crocodiles So the large crocodiles have good reason to be camera-shy Hunted down,only the wiliest crocs survive It seemed that the team's best chance was away from people The peacekeepers had recommended the wild and mostly uninhabited coast of Guadalcanal On the tip-off of a large crocodile seen laying up on this lonely stretch of beach Wade set up his camera hide one last time and the long wait began Yet it was at dawn, after a three-day vigil, that an impressive, three-metre crocodile finally appeared In the end,Wade only managed to record a few minutes of footage of these camera-shy giants But these images were proof of the existence of large saltwater crocodiles in the Solomons - the last living legends in the South Pacific——