Carrying undigested fruit seeds from New Guinea in their stomachs, they inadvertently helped sow the Solomons' rainforests By day, these nocturnal fruit bats roost communally in the safety of the tallest trees From the few bats that made it here, there are now 18 different species They have become the most widespread native mammal in the South Pacific East of the Solomons, the distance between islands increases dramatically It's now 1,000 miles of open ocean before the next island groups -Fiji, Samoa and Tonga Of all these island clusters, Fiji is the largest Made up of over 300 volcanic islands, formed some 40 million years ago, Fiji is around 2/3 the size of the Solomons, so remained a reasonable target for would-be colonisers Despite its isolation, it is still home to nearly half the number of plant species found in the Solomons But animal colonisers were not so successful