200 years ago, on the other side of the South Pacific, 200 the journey of our whalemen was coming to an end. 94 days after the ship was scuttled by a sperm whale, one of the whaleboats was finally spotted 400 miles off the coast of Chile. Only Captain Pollard and Ramsdell remained, gnawing on the bones of their dead shipmates. 17 days earlier, in their darkest hour, 17 they had drawn lots, executed and eaten them. Of the three boats that were cast adrift, two resorted to cannibalism, one was never seen again. Navigating and surviving in this vast, remote wilderness had proved almost impossible for these experienced sailors. And at times, even the ultimate ocean travellers need help. Natural harbours may be safe havens for sailors, but for the migratory whales, they can be death traps.