[00:01.09]Over time animals have developed many ways to stay away from predators. [00:06.60]A predator is an animal that hunts and eats other animals. [00:10.88]Hiding is one of the best ways to stay alive. [00:14.56]Some animals hide by looking like the places where they live. [00:19.13]To see how this works, let's look at the sea dragon. [00:23.04]It is a master of disguise. [00:25.43]The sea dragon is covered with skin that looks like leaves. [00:29.90]The skin helps the dragon look like a piece of seaweed. [00:33.66]A hungry meat eater would stay away from anything that looks like seaweed. [00:39.53]Other animals stay safe by showing their colors. [00:43.92]They want other animals to see them. [00:46.66]Scientists call these bright colors -- warning colors. [00:50.73]You have probably seen animals that have warning colors. [00:54.54]Some grasshoppers show off their own bright colors. [00:58.47]Those colors don't just look attractive; [01:01.28]they tell their enemies to stay away. [01:04.42]