One, the hated English taxman Cressingham, was skinned, his fat body made into a belt for Wallace's victorious sword. And yet, as so often in Scottish history, defeat quickly followed victory down the Forth at Falkirk. Wallace's warriors died by the thousands. They fell like blossoms in an orchard when the fruit has ripened. Bodies covered the ground as thickly as snow in winter. Wallace himself managed to escape the slaughter, only to be captured years later, betrayed by a Scotsman, possibly even the Bruce himself. 一个招致民愤的英国税官克莱斯汉姆被剥皮,他的臭皮囊被制成剑带,佩在华莱士的胜利之剑上。然而,如同苏格兰历史里经常上演的场景。在沿弗斯河而下的福尔柯克,失败接踵而至,华莱士损失了数千名战士。盛景之后,败柳残花,尸体如冬日厚厚的雪毯覆盖着地面,华莱士成功逃脱了这场屠杀。不料却在数年后,落入了英国人手中,一名苏格兰人出卖了他,也许就是布鲁斯本人。