On the eve of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Wallace told the English, "We are not here to make peace, but to do battle and to liberate our kingdom." The Scots gathered on the Abbey Craig Bridge. Below, a narrow wooden bridge led to the castle and to the English. Wallace allowed about half of them to cross the fragile structure, enough for his forces to deal with. And so they did, rushing down from their perch, through the woods, and into the English ranks. Wallace, on foot, with a great sharp sword, goes amongst the very thickest of his foes. The Scots vanquished the savage English, whom they put into mourning for death. Some had their throats cut by swords, others were taken prisoners, others drowned. 在斯特林桥之战前夜,华莱士传信给英国人。我们不是为和平而来,而是要为王国的自由,浴血奋战。苏格兰士兵聚集在艾比科莱克桥,脚下是一座狭窄的木桥。通向城堡和里面的英国人,大约一半的人马被华莱士派去,穿越这脆弱的建筑,他觉得这些兵力足够了。他们没让人失望,从高处直冲下来,穿过树林,直抵英格兰军队驻扎地。华莱士,手提锋利的宝剑,徒步冲锋陷阵,奋勇杀敌。苏格兰战士击溃了野蛮的英国人,他们在哀嚎中死去,利剑刺穿了他们的喉咙,有些人做了俘虏,剩下的则被溺死。