Of course, Edward being Edward, he had a price on his mind and in return for being adjudicator-godfather to the Scots. And that price, needless to say, was homage - the bent knee, the kiss on the ring of the devoted sword, the acceptance by whoever got the job that henceforth he would be Edward's man, deeply in his debt, his soldiers at the King's command. To prove his point, he gathered an army at Norham, an army of monks, scholars and antiquarians. Their heavy artillery were ancient charters and chronicles. Their job, to find the historical proof of English overlordship. But they failed, and so the King threw the problem right back to the Scots. 当然了,爱德华怎会放过如此良机?他已经在心中盘算好了,充当苏格兰仲裁者的底价。这底价不言自明就是宗主国身份,跪地亲吻国王的戒指,并承诺军队的效忠,得到王位的一方必须宣誓,自己将臣服爱德华,并永远铭记其恩情,军队听从其号令。为了以历史依据作为借口,他在诺勒姆集结了一支由僧侣,学者和文物研究者组成的军队。他们的武器是古老的宪章和史书,他们的任务是找到历史依据,佐证英格兰的宗主统治权,但他们并未如愿,于是国王将问题转嫁给了苏格兰人。