In Lincoln Cathedral lie the entrails of Eleanor of Castile, Queen to Edward I. She died within months of the expulsions, leaving her husband, normally so thick-skinned and emotionally coarse, distraught, plunged into grief. Edward's devotion is best reflected in a monument unique in medieval kingship, 12 crosses he built to mark the points where Eleanor's body lay en route to Westminster Abbey. The most famous being Charing Cross in London. Eleanor's death seemed to transfer Edward's reserve of passion to what now became the real love of his life, the single-minded pursuit of imperial power. 林肯大教堂中安葬着埃莉诺的内脏,爱德华一世的皇后。她在犹太人被放逐的数月后去世,丢下他的丈夫。那位通常麻木不仁,冷血无情的君主,心神狂乱,悲痛欲绝。爱德华为了表达对王后的挚爱,建立了中世纪王族中最独特的纪念碑。他建立了十二座十字架,用来标识,埃莉诺的灵柩在运往威斯敏斯特教堂途中驻足的地方。其中最著名的是伦敦的查令十字架,埃莉诺的离世使得爱德华将全部热情,投向了他毕生真正热爱的事业,对帝王权力的不懈追求。