Realising this, the Archbishop of Canterbury attempted to conciliate between the warring factions, offering Llewellyn land and title in England if he would renounce his rights in Wales. And the answer to this offer was blunt. That they must stand by their laws and rights in defence of all Wales. The people preferred to die rather than to live under English rule. They would not do homage to any stranger of whose language, manners and laws they were entirely. They would fight in defence of "nostra natsu" - our nation against the English. When the war was renewed, it was with fresh and unsparing savagery. No quarter was given by either side. The Welsh exploited their land, ambushed slow-moving companies of knights, and then disappeared off again into the hills and forests. 有此预见,坎特伯雷大主教试图为交战双方斡旋调停。如果卢埃林愿意放弃在威尔士的控制权,英格兰将赐予其封地和爵位。威尔士给出了强硬的答复,他们决意坚守自己的法律,誓死捍卫威尔士人民的权利。威尔士人民宁愿战死,也不愿屈服于英格兰的淫威。他们不会屈从于任何语言,礼仪,法律迥异的外族人,他们誓死捍卫自己的民族,与英格兰人决一死战。当战火被重新点燃,这场战争变得异常血腥和野蛮,交战双方已没有半分怜悯之心。威尔士人占据地利,伏击行动迟缓的骑兵队伍,然后遁形于山野丛林之间。